If you happen to be visiting Amsterdam, you will find that next to the great nightlife and weed shops, that it has much more to offer. A great variety of museums and places of cultural heritage are also on the Amsterdam menu. But some of you are more shopping oriented, and it will not be a surprise that Amsterdam is a GREAT place to shop, but not a lot of people know that it is also a very fashionable city.

There is much to be found, haute couture to the max.. just take a look in the famous PC Hooftstraat and you will find the biggest names in fashion and their stores.

But this would not be a fashion blog if we did not have a tip for you. I visited several stores in the PC Hoofstraat and when you take a look there you really must visit the 2 stores of Hartman & Hartman. They feature the biggest brands and have an exclusive collection. I bought some really exclusive Stone Island clothes there. For more information click here.. 


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